Thomas Cosmades






The bus journey from Damascus to Aleppo took four hours.  Vahram was by now accustomed to travel from city to city within Lebanon and Syria.  He had a long-standing invitation to visit Aleppo; the Christians there had been praying much for his coming.  The periodical ‘MARANATHA’ already referred to, had in the past carried some of Vahram's messages and news of his activities.  It was published in Aleppo by Apraham Seferian.  To visit this historic city and have fellowship with God's people had long been his ambition.  Now the time had come.  A large group of believers were waiting for his arrival at the bus terminal.  His customary schedule started immediately.  Everyone was excited to come to the meetings.  Vahram's mother tongue Turkish was the second language in this city.  He felt at home preaching in it, and most people understood it.

Aleppo has the highest number of churches of any city in Syria.  Every day at least two meetings were held.  As soon as one meeting finished in a church, everyone would head for some home where another meeting was scheduled.  As in Turkey and other places in that general region meetings had no time limit.  Men and women, young and old, would fill the biggest room in the house with not a square inch to spare.  Everybody would listen with rapt attention to this messenger of God about whose ministry in Turkey and in the recent months in Lebanon they had heard with rejoicing.  He preached in the same style everywhere he went.  The simplicity of the messages brought thorough satisfaction to hearts, and many responded to the invitation.

There was an amazing interest among young people.  The Christians who had been praying for revival over a long period of time were experiencing God’s power.  Fresh vigor was coming upon the churches.  The elderly Armenians who had come from Turkey and knew only Turkish were remarking with tears in their eyes, "We have heard a wonderfully fulfilling message." The city of Aleppo, scene of other revivals in the past, was now experiencing a new awakening.

In his free hours Vahram, as was his custom, devoted himself to selling Scriptures and witnessing in the market place. Here again book sales soared. Local Christians were motivated afresh to speak to others about Christ. The Word of God spread swiftly in all directions.  His witness in schools, hospitals and homes for the elderly brought the joy of new life to many grieved hearts. This special messenger sent by God could touch the relevant cord in people’s thinking, stirring them to the reality of Jesus and his presence in their lives. 

The local Christians came to appreciate that Vahram was being mightily used by God.  Often his exuberant heart would break forth into joyful hallelujahs and others would be caught up in praise to the Lord.  Those whose hearts had grown cold to the message of Jesus Christ were now apprehended by Him.  Some found salvation, others sanctification. People experienced fresh comfort.  Some were physically healed and many ruined relationships were restored. Vahram’s weeks in Aleppo and its outlying areas where he was preaching Jesus Christ day in and day out drew to a close.  It was time to move on.  The next place on the agenda was Amman, the capital of Jordan.

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